- Project leader
- Anthropologists
- Archaeologists
- Archaeozoologists
- Ethnologists
- Geographers
- Historians
- Art historians
- Paleobotanists
- Specialist analyses
Project leader
Prof. Dr habil. Marcin Wołoszyn
Archaeologist, historian/medieval historian (see wikipedia.pl). He graduated from the Jagiellonian University (Institute of Archaeology – 1995; Institute of History – 1997). From 1997 to 2015 he was employed in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and since 2004 he has been with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów.
Alexander von Humboldt scholar (2011-2013).
He specialises in research on medieval Poland’s relationships with the Byzantine-Ruthenian civilisation in light of archaeological, numismatic, and written sources (PhD degree in 2003; habilitation in 2014).
He is the author/co-author and editor/co-editor of more than 100 research publications (see academia.edu), including the following:
1). M. Wołoszyn (ed.)
2009. Byzantine Coins in Central Europe between the 5th and 10th Century, Kraków.
2). M. Salamon, M. Wołoszyn, A. Musin, P. Špehar, M. Hardt, M.P. Kruk, A. Sulikowska-Gąska (eds.)
2012. Rome, Constantinople and Newly-Converted Europe: Archaeological and Historical Evidence, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa, vol. I-II.
3). M. Wołoszyn
2014. Theophylaktos Simokates und die Slawen am Ende des westlichen Ozeans – die erste Erwähnung der Ostseeslawen? Zum Bild der Slawen in der frühbyzantinischen Literatur = Teofilakt Simokatta i Słowianie znad brzegu Oceanu Zachodniego — najstarsze świadectwo obecności Słowian nad Bałtykiem? Przyczynek do studiów nad obrazem Słowian w literaturze wczesnobizantyńskiej, Kraków.
4). M. Florek, M. Wołoszyn (eds.)
2016. The early medieval settlement complex at Czermno in the light of results from past research (up to 2010). Material evidence = Wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy w Czermnie w świetle wyników badań dawnych (do 2010). Podstawy źródłowe, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa, vol. I-II.
Dr Agata Cieślik
Anthropologist. Since 2014 she has been employed in the Department of Anthropology of the Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław. She was previously with the Department of Human Biology, the University of Wrocław, where she defended her doctoral thesis in 2012.
Her research interests are focused on the potential of skeletal materials for studies on the health of historic populations and in morphological comparative analyses. Dr Cieślik participated in a six-month-long research training in Zurich within the KNOW Programme organised by the Wrocław Centre for Biotechnology, and has taken active part in archaeological excavations in Poland and abroad, e.g. in the cave site of Karin Tak in the Republic of Artsakh (formerly Nagorno Karabakh). The areas of her current research are primarily paleopathology, evolutionary medicine, and forensic anthropology.
She is the author/co-author of research publications, including:
1). W. Nowaczewska, A. Wiśniewski, A. Cieślik, M. Bonar, P. Dąbrowski
2015. The mystery of the Siemonia skull (Poland): from the paleolithic to the middle ages, (in:) S. SÁZELOVÁ, M. NOVÁK, Al. MIZEROVÁ (eds.), Forgotten Times and Spaces: New perspectives in paleoanthropological, paleoetnological and archeological studies, Brno, 507-519.
2). A. Cieślik
2017. Evidence of tuberculosis among children in medieval (13th-15th century) Wrocław: A case study of hip joint tuberculosis in a juvenile skeleton excavated from the crypt of the St. Elizabeth church, Anthropological Review, vol. 80, 219-231.
3). A. Cieślik, P.Dąbrowski, M. A. Przysiężna-Pizarska
2017. The face of conflict: Significant sharp force trauma to the mid-facial skeleton in an individual of probable 16th–17th century date excavated from Byczyna, Poland, International Journal of Paleopathology, 75-78.
4). W. Nowaczewska, U. Łapicka, A. Cieślik, P. Biecek
2017. The relationship of cranial, orbital and nasal cavity size with the morphology of the supraorbital region in modern homo sapiens, Anthropologischer Anzeiger, vol. 74, 247-262.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Barbara Kwiatkowska
Anthropologist. Graduated from the University of Wrocław (PhD – 1993, habilitation – 2005). In 1981-1986 she was employed in the Department of Anthropology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, and from 1986 to 2009 in the Department of Anthropology of the University of Wrocław. Since 2009, Kwiatkowska has worked as associate professor in the Department of Anthropology of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, where she also acts as an assistant dean for the degree programme in Biology and Human Biology in the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science (since the 2012/2013 academic year).
Her research interests include studies of historic populations based on skeletal materials, paleopathology, facial reconstructions based on skulls, auxology, and health promotion in contemporary populations. The current research is focused on the potential of 3D scanning for visualisation of skeletal materials, and on applications of computer programmes for facial reconstructions based on skulls. Professor Kwiatkowska is the author or co-author of 80 original publications (see researchgate.net), including:
1). B. Kwiatkowska
2005. Mieszkańcy średniowiecznego Wrocławia – ocena warunków życia i stanu zdrowia w ujęciu antropologicznym, Wrocław.
2). A. Tomaszewska, J. Tomczyk, B. Kwiatkowska
2013. Characterisation of the supraorbital foramen and notch as an exit route for the supraorbital nerve in populations from different climatic conditions, HOMO – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 64 (1), 58-70.
3). A. Tomaszewska, B. Kwiatkowska, R. Jankauskas
2015. Is the area of the orbital opening in humans related to climate?, American Journal of Human Biology 27:6, 845-850.
4). A. Gawlikowska-Sroka, J. Szczurowski, B. Kwiatkowska et al.
2016. Concha bullosa in paleoanthropological material. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 952, 65-73.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Sławomir Kozieł
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Katarzyna Kuźniarska
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Aleksandra Lisowska-Gaczorek
Anthropologist. Graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (PhD – 2017). Since 2018 she has worked in the Department of Environmental Chemistry of the Institute of Ecology and Bioethics, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.
Her research interests lie in the implementation of stable isotope analyses for studies of biological materials (archaeological bone remains). Dr Lisowska-Gaczorek applies chemical methods for investigating interactions among biology, culture, and natural environments, with a focus on diet reconstruction, and the origins and migrations of past populations both at individual and population levels.
She is the author/co-author of research publications (see researchgate.net), including:
1). A. Lisowska-Gaczorek, S. Kozieł, B. Cienkosz-Stepańczak, K. Mądrzyk, J. Pawlyta, S. Gronkiewicz, M. Wołoszyn, K. Szostek
2016. An analysis of the origin of an early medieval group of individuals from Gródek based on the analysis of stable oxygen isotopes,
HOMO 67, 313-327.
2). B. Cienkosz-Stepanczak, A. Lisowska-Gaczorek, E. Haduch, R. Ellam, G. Cook, J. Kruk, S. Milisauskas, S. Kozieł, K. Szostek
2017. Nitrogen and Strontium Isotopes as Tools for the Reconstruction of Breastfeeding Practices and Human Behavior – A Neolithic Collective Grave in Bronocice (Poland), Collegium Antropologicum 41, 133-141.
3). G. Osipowicz, H. Witas, A. Lisowska-Gaczorek, L. Reitsema, K. Szostek, T. Płoszaj, J. Kuriga, D. Makowiecki D., K. Jędrychowska-Dańska, B. Cienkosz-Stepańczak B.
2017. Origin of the ornamented bâton percé from the Gołębiewo site 47 as a trigger of discussion on long-distance exchange among Early Mesolithic communities of Central Poland and Northern Europe, PLoS One 12, 10: e0184560.
4). Ł. Oleszczak, A.P. Borodovskiy, K. Szostek, A. Lisowska-Gaczorek, S. Kozieł, J. Pawlyta, S.S. Tur, B. Cienkosz-Stepańczak
2018. The Origin of Culturally Diversified Individuals Buried in the Early Iron Age Barrow Cemetery at Chultukov Log-1 (Upper Altai) in Light of the Analysis of Stable Oxygen Isotopes, Collegium Antropologicum 42 (1), 1-11.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Krzysztof Szostek
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Michał Auch
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
MA Jolanta Bagińska
Archaeologist. Graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Since 1984 she has worked in the Regional Museum in Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Specialises in research on Corded Ware Culture settlement in the Sokal Ridge region.
She is the author/co-author of research publications, including:
1). Machnik, J. Bagińska, W. Koman
2001. Nowa, synkretyczna grupa kultury ceramiki sznurowej w Polsce środkowo – wschodniej, (in:) B. Ginter, B. Drobniewicz, B. Kazior, M. Nowak, M. Poltowicz (eds.), Problemy epoki kamienia na obszarze Starego Świata. Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana profesorowi Januszowi K. Kozłowskiemu, Kraków, 389-400.
2). J. Machnik, J. Bagińska, W. Koman
2009. Neolityczne kurhany na Grzędzie Sokalskiej w świetle badań archeologicznych w latach 1988 – 2006, Kraków.
3). J. Bagińska, W. Koman
2011. Wyniki badań kolejnych kurhanów kultury ceramiki sznurowej na Grzędzie Sokalskiej, (in:) H. Kowalewska-Marszałek, P. Włodarczak (eds.), Kurhany i obrządek pogrzebowy w IV – II tysiącleciu p.n.e., Kraków-Warszawa, 371-396.
4). J. Bagińska, M. Piotrowski, M. Wołoszyn (eds.)
2012. Czerwień – gród między Wschodem a Zachodem. Katalog wystawy, Tomaszów Lubelski-Leipzig-Lublin-Rzeszów.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
MA Anna Bochnak
Role: investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”.
Professor Andrzej Buko
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
Dr Tomasz Dzieńkowski
Archaeologist, graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University (1996). Between 1996 and 2012 he worked as an archaeologist for a private company. In cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IAE PAS), Dr Dzieńkowski participated in three interdisciplinary research projects. He obtained his PhD degree in the humanities in 2011 (IAE PAS). Since 2013 he has been employed as adjunct faculty in the Institute of Archaeology of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. In 2014-2015 Dr Dzieńkowski was the leader of a grant project financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, concluded with a monograph of a site. Between 2013 and 2018 he participated in two international research projects. His research interests are focused on the political-cultural borderlands between Poland and Rus’.
He is the author or co-author of several research publications, including:
1). T. Dzieńkowski
2012. Das mittelalterliche Chełm im Lichte archaologischer Quellen, (in:) A. Rozwałka (ed.), Archaeology in a town, a town in archaeology, Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia 7, Rzeszów, 371-458.
2). T. Dzieńkowski (ed.)
2016. Horodysko. Od epoki kamienia do wczesnego średniowiecza, Lublin.
3). R. Dobrowolski, J. Rodzik, P. Mroczek, P. Zagórski, K. Bałaga, M. Wołoszyn, T. Dzieńkowski, I. Hajdas, S. Fedorowicz
2018. Environmental conditions of settlement in the vicinity of the mediaeval capital of the Cherven Towns (Czermno site, Hrubieszów Basin, Eastern Poland), Quaternary International https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.05.042
4). T. Dzieńkowski
2018. Early Medieval settlement in the area of the mouth of the Huczwa river to the Bug river in the light of surface surveys and research excavations, as well as stray finds, (in:) M. Wołoszyn (ed.), The early medieval settlement complex at Gródek upon the Bug River in the light of results from past research (1952-1955). Material evidence = Wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy w Gródku nad Bugiem w świetle wyników badań dawnych (1952-1955). Podstawy źródłowe, U źródeł Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej = Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas 4, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa, 75-138.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
Dr habil. Marek Florek
Archaeologist, historian. Graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University. He has been working in heritage protection since 1981, initially in Tarnobrzeg, later in Przemyśl, and currently as a part-time employee in the Sandomierz branch of the Świętokrzyskie Province Heritage Protection Office in Kielce. Since 2004 he has worked in the Institute of Archaeology of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. He specialises in issues concerning burial rites in prehistoric and medieval Central Europe, and its importance to studies on social and ethnic diversity of societies of that time (PhD in 2001; habilitation in 2016).
He is the author/co-author of over 300 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). M. Florek
2005. Sandomierski ośrodek grodowo-miejski w średniowieczu, Warszawa.
2). M. Florek
2008. Issues concerning the existence and functions of the so-called great kurgans in Małopolska in early phases of the Early Middle Ages/Zagadnienie istnienia i funkcji tzw. Wielkich kurhanów w Małopolsce w starszych fazach wczesnego średniowiecza, Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia 3, 273-307.
3). M. Florek, M. Wołoszyn (eds.)
2016. The early medieval settlement complex at Czermno in the light of results from past research (up to 2010). Material evidence = Wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy w Czermnie w świetle wyników badań dawnych (do 2010). Podstawy źródłowe, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa, t. I-II.
4). M. Florek
2017. Lublin między VIII a XIII wiekiem w świetle badań archeologicznych, Rocznik Lubelski 43, 13-41.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
MA Iwona Florkiewicz
Archaeologist. Graduated from the University of Rzeszów (Institute of Archaeology – 2004). Since June 2017 she has been employed in the UR Institute of Archaeology in the “Filioque” research centre. She is a scholar of the Pro Archaeologia Saxoniae Foundation, Gerhard Bersu scholarship (2017-2018).
She is the author/co-author and co-editor of more than 20 research and popular-science publications and reviews (see academia.edu), including:
1). M. Wołoszyn, I. Florkiewicz, T. Dzieńkowski, S. Sadowski, E. M. Nosek, J. Stępiński
2016. Cherven before Cherven Towns. Some remarks on the history of the Cherven Towns area (eastern Pland) till the end of 10 th century, (in:) Á. Bollók, G. Csiky, T. Vida (eds.), Zwischen Byzanz und der Steppe. Archäologische und historische Studien: Festschrift für Csanád Bálint/Between Byzantium and the Steppe: Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honour of Csanád Bálint on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Budapest, 691-718.
2). I. Florkiewicz, A. Urbański
2016. Czermno, site IIG. Wooden structures discovered in 1985 = Czermno, stanowisko IIG. Konstrukcje drewniane odkryte w 1985 r., (in:) M. Florek, M. Wołoszyn (eds.), The early medieval settlement complex at Czermno in the light of results from past research (up to 2010). Material evidence = Wczesnośredniowieczny zespół osadniczy w Czermnie w świetle wyników badań dawnych (do 2010). Podstawy źródłowe t. I, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa 2016, 385-419.
3). I. Florkiewicz, A. Jusupović, A. Musin et all.
2020. The Sphinx of Slavic Sigillography – small lead seals of „Drohiczyn type” from Czermno. Material evidence = Sfinks słowiańskiej sfragistyki – plomby „typu drohiczyńskiego” z Czermna. Podstawy źródłowe, U Źródeł Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej = Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas, t. 6/2, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Saint Petersburg-Warszawa.
4). T. Dzieńkowski, M. Wołoszyn, I. Florkiewicz, R. Dobrowolski, J. Rodzik, I. Hajdas, M. Krąpiec
2020. Digging the history. Absolute chronology of the settlement complex at Czermno-Cherven’ (eastern Poland). Research status and perspectives, Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 72/2, 409-466.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”; investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
MA Tomasz Herbich
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
MA Anna Hyrchała
Archaeologist, graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. Since 2008 she has been employed in Stanisław Staszic Museum in Hrubieszów, currently as a curator. She has been the leader of research projects, including “Najmniej znany spośród najbardziej interesujących – obrządek pogrzebowy kultury strzyżowskiej” (National Science Centre), “Wielokulturowe stanowisko w Czerniczynie – nieznane źródło wiedzy o pradziejach i wczesnym średniowieczu zakończony publikacją monografii stanowiska” (Ministry of Culture and National Heritage).
She is the author/co-author and editor/co-editor of publications (see academia.edu ) including:
1). A. Hyrchała
2015. Kultura strzyżowska – początek nowej epoki, (in:) A. Hyrchała, B. Bartecki (eds.), Wojownik i księżniczka. Archeologia – medycyna sądowa – sztuka, Hrubieszów, 32-51.
2). A. Hyrchała
2015. Wojownik i księżniczka z Rogalina – nowy rozdział w dziejach badań nad kulturą strzyżowską, (in:) A. Hyrchała, B. Bartecki (eds.), Wojownik i księżniczka. Archeologia – medycyna sądowa – sztuka, Hrubieszów, 52-79.
3). A. Przystańska, D. Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska, M. Abreu-Głowacka, M. Glapiński, A. Sroka, A. Rewekant, A. Hyrchała, B. Bartecki, Cz. Żaba, T. Kulczyk
2017. Analysis of human dentition from Early Bronze Age: 4000-year-old puzzle, Odontology, 105:1, 13-22.
4). A. Hyrchała, W. Koman
2017. Cmentarzysko szkieletowe kultury mierzanowickiej, (in:) A. Hyrchała (ed.), Wielokulturowe stanowisko 3 w Czerniczynie w świetle badań w latach 1981-1985, Hrubieszów, 32-59.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Vujadin Ivaniśević
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Piotr Kotowicz
Archaeologist. Graduated from the Institute of Archaeology of Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin (2002). On graduating, he started work in his hometown of Sanok, in the Archaeological Laboratory of the local Historical Museum, where he is currently employed as a curator. Kotowicz is also temporarily employed by the University of Rzeszów and in the State Higher Vocational School in Sanok. In 2017 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Rzeszów, entitled “Early medieval axes from the territory of Poland”.
Piotr Kotowicz specialises in early medieval and medieval archaeology, with a focus on issues concerning Polish-Ruthenian borderlands, but his primary area of interest is medieval weapons studies. He is the creator and editor-in-chief of the yearly journal “Acta Militaria Mediaevalia”, established 15 years ago.
He is the author, co-author, and editor of many research and popular-science publications (see academia.edu), in particular:
1). S. Cygan, M. Glinianowicz, P. N. Kotowicz (eds.)
2011. „In Silvis, campis… et urbe”. Średniowieczny obrządek pogrzebowy na pograniczu polsko-ruskim, Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis XIV, Rzeszów-Sanok.
2). P. N. Kotowicz
2013. Broń i oporządzenie jeździeckie, (in:) J. Kalaga (eds.), Sutiejsk. Gród pogranicza polsko-ruskiego w XI-XIII w. Studium interdyscyplinarne, Warszawa, 62-75.
3). P. N. Kotowicz
2014. Topory wczesnośredniowieczne z ziem polskich. Katalog źródeł, Rzeszów-Sanok.
4). P. N. Kotowicz
2018. Early medieval Axes from the Territory of Poland, Kraków.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
MA Jerzy Kuśnierz
Archaeologist. Graduated from the Jagiellonian University (Institute of Archaeology – 1978). In 1978-1985 he was employed in the Regional Museum in Zamość, and from 1985 to 1989 he worked in the Heritage Protection Office in Zamość, and since 1989 in the Museum of Zamość. He specialises in the archaeology of the Bronze Age and early Middle Ages, and in the history of archaeological research in the Polish-Ruthenian borderlands.
He is the author/co-author of approx. 100 research publications, including:
1). J. Kuśnierz
1998. Die Beile in Polen III (Tűllenbeile), Prähistorische Bronzefunde IX, 21, Stuttgart.
2). J. Kuśnierz
2007. Skarb wyrobów brązowych ze Szczebrzeszyna w powiecie zamojskim. Studia nad epoką brązu i wczesną epoką żelaza w Europie, (in:) J. Chochorowski (eds.), Księga poświęcona profesorowi Markowi Gedlowi na pięćdziesięciolecie pracy w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, Kraków, 371-402.
3). J. Kuśnierz
2010. Находки мечей и топоров с XIV-XV вв. В пограничной зоне Червоной руси и Польского королества на фоне вооружённих конфликтов Венгрии, Польши и Литви за Русь и войны з Теутонским орденом в 1410 г., Русское наследие в странах Восточной и Центральной Европи, Брянск, 327-341.
4). J. Kuśnierz
2015. Реконструкція укріплень фортеці Замостя у 2011-2012 роках. Проблема археологічного нагляду, Вісник Рятівної Археології. Acta Archeologiae Conservativae, Випуск 1, Львів, 26-43.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Aleksandr E. Musin
Archaeologist, historian. Graduated from the Sankt Petersburg University (Department of archaeology, Faculty of History – 1992) and the Sankt Petersburg Theological Academy (1995). Since 2000 he has worked in the Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Science, St Petersburg, Russia.
Aleksandr Musin specialises in research on relationships between medieval Eastern Europe and the areas of Byzantine and Latin civilisations in the light of archaeological and written sources. His scope of interest also encompasses the history and archaeology of the Church and Christendom (PhD in 1997; habilitation in 2003).
He is the author/co-author or editor/co-editor of more than 400 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). А. Мусин
2002. Христианизация Новгородской земли в IX-XIV вв. Погребальный обряд и христианские древности [Khristianizatsiya Novgorodskoy zemli v 9-14 vekakh. Pogrebalniy obryad i khristianskie drevnosti = Chrystianizacja Ziemi Nowogrodzkiej w IX – XIV wiekach: obrządek pogrzebowy i dewocjonalia chrześcijańskie], Trudy Instituta Istorii Materialnoy Kultury 5, Sankt Petersburg (język rosyjski, streszczenie angielskie).
2). E. Nosov, A. Musin (eds.)
2009. Императорская Археологическая Комиссия (1859-1917) [Imperatorskaya Arkheologitscheskaya Komissya = Cesarska Komisja Archeologiczna], St. Petersburg, t. 1-2 (język rosyjski, streszczenie angielskie).
3). M. Salamon, M. Wołoszyn, A. Musin, P. Špehar, M. Hardt, M.P. Kruk, A. Sulikowska Gąska (eds.)
2012. Rome, Constantinople and Newly-Converted Europe: Archaeological and Historical Evidence, Kraków-Leipzig-Rzeszów-Warszawa, t. I-II.
4). P. Bauduin, A. Musin (eds.)
2014. Vers l’Orient et vers l’Occident: regards croisés sur dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne, Caen.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”.
Professor Michał Parczewski
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Anna A. Peskova
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Jaroslav Pohoralskyi
Archaeologist, historian/medieval historian. He graduated from the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, Department of Archaeology (2001). Since 2004 he has worked in the Department of Archaeology, and since 2006 also as the Head of the Archaeological Museum of the Ivan Franko University.
Pohoralskyj specialises in research on medieval Slavic architecture (PhD in 2018) and the medieval history of Galicia and Volhynia, with a focus on the Przemyśl region.
He is the author/co-author of more than 50 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). Я. Погоральський
2010. Побутові печі у житлах ІV–X ст. з Волино-Прикарпатського порубіжжя, Археологія і давня історія України 4, 109-120.
2). J. Pohorals’kyj
2012. Stanowiska archeologiczne z okresu wczesnego średniowiecza na Roztoczu Wschodnim, (in:) W. Łysiak (ed.), Roztocze i jego mieszkańcy. Historia i kultura, Tomaszów Lubelski, Lubaczów, 75-84.
3). Я. Погоральський
2013. До локалізації деяких літописних пунктів Перемишльської землі (in:) V. Nagirnyj, T. Pudłocki (eds.), Przemyśl i ziemia przemyska w strefie wpływów ruskich X – połowa XIV w. (COLLOQUIA RUSSICA, Series II, Tom I), Kraków, 57-66.
4). Я. Погоральський
2013. Житла з печами як маркер напрямів і динаміки розселення склавинів: східнокарпатський шлях, (in:) J. Gancarski (ed.), Transkarpackie kontakty kulturowe wokresie lateńskim, rzymskim i wczesnym średniowieczu, Krosno, 185-197.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Jacek Poleski
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
MA Beata Polit
Archaeologist. Graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin (in 2010), currently a PhD student in the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów. Since 2018 she has worked in the National Museum in Kielce as the head of the Archaeological Department. She has been the leader of several research projects, including a National Science Centre grant “Biżuteria późnoscytyjska i sarmacka na Krymie – przemiany typologiczno-chronologiczne/Late Scythian and Sarmatian jewellery in Crimea – typological and chronological evolution”.
She is the author/co-author of research papers and reviews (see academia.edu), including:
1). P. Mączyński, B. Polit
2016. Wytwory krzemienne z cmentarzyska z późnej starożytności Nejzac na Krymie, Wiadomości Archeologiczne 6, 175-193.
3). P. Mączyński, B. Polit
2017. Discovered Once Again. Interpretation of Flint Artefacts from Funerary Constructions of the Late Scythian Culture, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 47/3, 383-396.
3). B. Polit
2018. Considerations on bracelets with “globular” and “pineal-shaped” endings from the Sarmatian period Crimea, Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskieo Ośrodka Archeologicznego 39, 71-89.
4). B. Polit
2018. Some remarks on the metal jewellery from male burials of the Late Roman period cemetery of Neyzats, Крым в сарматскую эпоху (II в. до н.э. – IV в.н.э.) III, Симферополь, 121-136.
Role: investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”.
Dr Łukasz Pospieszny
Archaeologist. Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2007). In 2007-2012 he completed his doctoral studies in the Institute of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewicz University; in 2012-2013 he was employed in the Department of Historical Studies, University of Göteborg; since 2013 he has worked in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań. He has received scholarships from the Government of Denmark (2005-2006) and Kazimierz Salewicz og hustru Marit Jensens Studiefond (2009-2010) in Aarhus University, and from the Visby Programme (2009-2010) at the University of Göteborg. In 2017, he was awarded a scholarship for outstanding young scientists from the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
Pospieszny specialises in research on final Neolithic and Early Bronze Age societies in Europe (using isotope methods), and in applications of geophysics in archaeology (PhD – 2012).
He is the author/co-author or co-editor of more than 40 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). Ł. Pospieszny
2009. Zwyczaje pogrzebowe społeczności kultury ceramiki sznurowej w Wielkopolsce i na Kujawach, Poznań.
2). Ł. Pospieszny
2015. Freshwater reservoir effect and the radiocarbon chronology of the cemetery in Ząbie, Poland, Journal of Archaeological Science 53, 264-276.
3). S. Nowaczyk, Ł. Pospieszny, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka (eds.)
2017. Megalityczny grobowiec kultury amfor kulistych z Kierzkowa na Pałukach. Milczący świadek kultu przodków z epoki kamienia, Biskupińskie Prace Archeologiczne nr 12, Biskupin.
4). Ł. Pospieszny
2017. Badania geofizyczne grodziska i osady towarzyszącej w Grodziszczu, stan. 1, (in:) B. Gruszka (ed.), Grodziszcze. Od grodu plemiennego do kluczowego ośrodka zachodnich rubieży państwa wczesnopiastowskiego. Studium interdyscyplinarne, część 1, Zielona Góra, 149-154.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
dr Sylwester Sadowski
Archaeologist. Graduated from the Department of Archaeology of Maria Skłodowska Curie University in Lublin (studied in 1996-2001), where he has worked in the Institute of Archaeology since 2004. In 2011, Sadowski defended his doctoral thesis on Sarmatian weaponry in the Institute of Archaeology of Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń. Since 2004, he has been carrying out excavations in Komarów-Osada Commune in Zamość District (e.g. Swaryczów site 1 – a biritual cemetery from the Younger and Late Roman periods).
His research interests are focused on issues concerning the close of antiquity and steppe peoples from Eastern Europe.
He is the author/co-author of research publications (see academia.edu ), including:
1). S. Sadowski
2012. New perspectives in the research of Sarmatian edged weapon on the example of swords and daggers with a ring-shaped pommel, (in:) Культуры степной Евразии и их взаимодействие с древними цивилизациями: Материалы международной научной конференции, посвященной 110-летию со дня рождения выдающегося российского археолога Михаила Петровича Грязнова / Cultures of the steppe zone of Eurasia and their interaction with ancient civilizations: Materials of the International conference dedicated to the 110th birth anniversary of the outstanding Russian archaeologist Mikhail Petrovich Gryaznov, Санкт-Петербург / St. Petersburg, 389-395.
2). S. Sadowski
2012. Nowe znalezisko czekana typu scytyjskiego z południowo-wschodniej Polski, (in:) W. Blajer (ed.), Peregrinationes Archaeologicae in Asia et Europa Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae, Kraków, 385-390.
3). M. Kłosińska, S. Sadowski
2017. Long distance connections of the south-eastern peripheries of the Lublin region at the time of the Lusatian culture in the light of archival and newly discovered materials, Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 69, 391-408.
4). M. Kłosińska, J. Orzeł, S. Sadowski
2017. Z badań nad znaleziskami brązowych sierpów z guzkiem na Lubelszczyźnie i na terenach ościennych, Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego XXXVIII, 49-72.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Prof. Dr habil. Perica Špehar
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Maciej Trzeciecki
Archaeologist. Graduated from the University of Warsaw. Since 2003 he has worked in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw. In 2012 he won the Award of the Prime Minister of Poland for the best doctoral thesis.
His research interests are methods of analysis and interpretation of pottery from archaeological sites, historical archaeology, archaeology of stratified sites, and landscape archaeology.
He is the author/co-author or editor/co-editor of more than 80 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). M. Auch, M. Bogucki, M. Trzeciecki
2012. Osadnictwo wczesnośredniowieczne na stanowisku Janów Pomorski 1, (in:) M. Bogucki, B. Jurkiewicz (eds.), Janów Pomorski, st. 1, gm. Elbląg. Wyniki ratowniczych badań archeologicznych w latach 2007-2008,Tom 2: Od późnego okresu wędrówek ludów do nowożytności(Truso Studies1), Elbląg, 23-232.
2). M. Trzeciecki
2016. Patterns of Diversity: Using Ceramics to Examine the Social Topography of the Medieval Town of Płock, Poland, (in:) B. Jervis, L. Broderick, I. Grau Sologestoa (eds.), Objects, Environment and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe (Studies in the History of Daily Life 800-1600, 3), Turnhout, 113-116.
3). M. Trzeciecki
2016. Ceramika płocka między XI a XIX wiekiem. Studium archeologiczne, Warszawa.
4). M. Trzeciecki (ed.)
2016. The Past Societies.Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the Early Middle Ages. Volume 5: 500-1000 AD, Warszawa.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
MA Andrzej Urbański
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
MA Sylwia Wajda
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns], Part II. Finalisation of documentation works”.
Dr Danuta Makowicz-Poliszot
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Teresa Tomek
Ornithologist. Graduated from the Jagiellonian University (Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences – 1967). In 1971-2017 she was employed in the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and she retired in 2017. Apart from studies of birds living today (doctorate in 1976; habilitation in 2003), Tomek specialises in paleornithology, analysing remains of fossil birds from both archaeological excavations and paleontological discoveries.
Tomek is the author/co-author of more than 100 original research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). T. Tomek, Z. M. Bocheński
2009. A key for the identification of domestic bird bones in Europe: Galliformes and Columbiformes, Kraków.
2). T. Tomek, Z. M. Bocheński, P. Socha, K. Stefaniak
2012. Continuous 300,000-year fossil record: changes in the ornithofauna of Biśnik Cave, Poland, Palaeontologica Electronica, 15.1.2A: 20 p.
3). Z. Bocheński, Z. M. Bocheński, T. Tomek
2012. A history of Polish birds, Kraków.
4). T. Tomek, Z. M. Bocheński, K. Wertz, E. Świdnicka
2014. A new genus and species of a galliform bird from the Oligocene of Poland. Palaeontologia Electronica 17.3.38A: 15p.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Mirosława Zabilska-Kunek
Archaeologist. Graduated from Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń (Institute of Archaeology, master’s degree – 2008, doctorate – 2013). Since 2013 she has been employed in the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów.
She is a specialist in archaeozoological research, in particular archaeoichtiology (investigation of fish remains discovered in archaeological sites).
She is the author/co-author of more than 20 research publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). A. Pluskowski, Z. Sawicki, J.-M. Shillito, M. Badura, D. Makowiecki, M. Zabilska-Kunek, K. Seetah, A. Brown
2014. Biała Góra: The Forgotten Colony in the Medieval Pomeranian-Prussian Borderlands, Antiquity 88:341, 863-882.
2). M. Zabilska-Kunek
2014. Środowiskowe i kulturowe uwarunkowania rybołówstwa ludów wybrzeży Bałtyku w V-IV tysiącleciu przed Chrystusem na przykładzie osady w Dąbkach, stan. 9 (gm. Darłowo), Collectio Archaeologica Ressoviensis XXXII, Rzeszów.
3). Z. Sawicki, A. Pluskowski, A. Brown, M. Badura, D. Makowiecki, L.-M. Shillito, M. Zabilska-Kunek, K. Seetah
2015. Survival at the Frontier of Holy War: Political Expansion, Crusading, Environmental Exploitation and the Medieval Colonizing Settlement at Biała Góra, North Poland, European Journal of Archaeology 18:2, 282-311.
4). M. Zabilska-Kunek, D. Makowiecki, J. Kabaciński
2016. Mesolithic Fishery in the Polish Lowland. Fish remains from the Site 9 at Krzyż Wielkopolski, Poland, Environmental Archaeology 21:4, 317-324.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Roman Czmelyk
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Lech Mróz
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Krystyna Bałaga
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Radosław Dobrowolski
Geographer, geomorphologist. Graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University (Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences – 1988). Since 1987 he has been employed in the Institute of Earth Sciences, and later the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning UMCS. He is a specialist in structural geomorphology (doctorate – 1998; habilitation – 2007), and quaternary palaeography (professorship – 2014). His main area of research encompasses geomorphology of Cretaceous karst and environmental reconstructions based on multiparameter analysis of biogenic sediments.
He is the author or co-author of more than 200 research publications (see researchgate.net), including:
1). R. Dobrowolski
2006. Glacial and periglacial transformation of the karst relief of the northern foreland of the Lublin-Volyn Uplands (SE Poland, NW Ukraine), Lublin.
2). R. Dobrowolski, A. Bieganowski, P. Mroczek, M. Ryżak
2012. Role of periglacial processes in epikarst morphogenesis – a case study from Chełm chalk quarry, Lublin Upland, eastern Poland, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 23, 251-266.
3). R. Dobrowolski, K. Bałaga, A. Buczek, W. P. Alexandrowicz, M. Mazurek, S. Hałas, N. Piotrowska
2016. Multi-proxy evidence of Holocene climate variability in Volhynia Upland (SE Poland) recorded in spring fed fen deposits from the Komarów site, The Holocene 26(9), 1406-1425.
4). R. Dobrowolski, J. Rodzik, P. Mroczek, P. Zagórski, K. Bałaga, M. Wołoszyn, T. Dzieńkowski, I. Hajdas, S. Fedorowicz
2018. Environmental conditions of settlement in the vicinity of the medieval capital of Cherven Towns (Czermno site, Hrubieszów Basin, Eastern Poland), Quaternary International 493, 258-273.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Przemysław Mroczek
Geographer, a specialist in Quaternary palaeography of Central Europe. Graduated in geography from UMCS (speciality: hydroclimatology) in 1999. Since October 1, 1999 he has been employed as a researcher and teacher staff, initially in the Institute of Earth Sciences (to 2012), and then in the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning (since 2012). His primary specialisation is in palaeological reconstructions based on the investigation of loess and buried soils. The geographic scope of his research encompasses primarily the belt of Southern Poland Uplands, as well as western and central Ukraine. Dr Mroczek’s works include important publications on the genesis of loesses and evolution of loess covers in the late Quaternary. Among his most important publications are two single-authored monographs from the field of micromorphology of loess-soil sequences. Apart from his activity within the “Golden apple…” project, Dr Mroczek has established wide cooperation with archaeologists, performing geoarchaeological research on sites of varying age, including Bronocice (Miechów Upland), Kraków-Spadzista (Kraków-Częstochowa Upland), and Wilczyce (Sandomierz Upland).
He is the author or co-author of more than 400 research publications (see researchgate.net; UMCS), including:
1). P. Mroczek
2008. Interpretacja paleogeograficzna cech mikromorfologicznych neoplejstoceńskich sekwencji lessowo-glebowych, Lublin.
2). P. Mroczek
2013. Recycled loesses – a micromorphological approach to determination of local source areas of Weichselian loess, Quaternary International 296, 241-25.
3). R. Dobrowolski, P. Mroczek (eds.)
2014. Potencjał przyrodniczy a zrównoważony rozwój powiatów Polesia Lubelskiego, Lublin.
4). P. Mroczek
2018. Późnovistuliańsko-holoceńska ewolucja lessowych gleb płowych wyżyn południowopolskich w świetle badań mikromorfologicznych, Lublin.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Prof. dr habil. Jan Rodzik
Geographer, geomorphologist. Graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University (Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning – 1986). Since 1973 he has been employed in the Institute of Earth Sciences, later the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning UMCS. In 1982/83, 1992/93 and 1994/95 he was employed in the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in connection with his participation in year-long expeditions to Svalbard.
He is a specialist in the impact of weather and climate on modern-day land-shaping processes in the Arctic (Svalbard – doctorate) and environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting soil erosion and development of gullies (Lublin region – habilitation).
He is the author or co-author of more than 300 research publications (see researchgate.net), including:
1). J. Rodzik, T. Ciupa, G. Janicki, W. Kociuba, A. Tyc, W. Zgłobicki
2008. Współczesne przemiany rzeźby Wyżyn Polskich, (in:) L. Starkel, A. Kostrzewski, A. Kotarba, K. Krzemień (eds.), Współczesne przemiany rzeźby Polski, Kraków, 165-228.
2). M. Dotterweich, J. Rodzik, W. Zgłobicki, A. Schmitt, G. Schmidtchen, H-R. Bork
2012. High resolution gully erosion and sedimentation processes, and land use changes since the Bronze Age and future trajectories in the Kazimierz Dolny area (Nałęczów Plateau, SE-Poland), Catena 95, 50-62.
3). J. Rodzik, P. Mroczek, T. Wiśniewski
2014. Pedological analysis as a key for reconstructing primary loess relief – A case study from the Magdalenian site in Klementowice (eastern Poland), Catena 117, 50-59.
4). P. Zagórski, J. Rodzik, M. Moskalik, M.C. Strzelecki, M. Lim, M. Błaszczyk, A. Promińska, G. Kruszewski, A. Styszyńska, A. Malczewski
2015. Multidecadal (1960–2011) shoreline changes in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard), Polish Polar Research 36:4, 369-390.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Piotr Zagórski
Geographer, geomorphologist. Graduated from Maria Curie Skłodowska University. Since 1994 he has been employed in the Department of Geomorphology (until 2011 the Institute of Earth Sciences, since 2011 the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning). He is a specialist in polar research on processes occurring in paraglacial and periglacial areas, in particular in the littoral zone (doctorate 2003; habilitation 2014). His other areas of interest include stratigraphy and palaeography of the Pleistocene and the application of photogrammetric methods and GIS/GPS in environmental and archaeological research.
He is the author/co-author or editor/co-editor of more than 50 research publications (see researchgate.net), including:
1). P. Zagórski
2005. NW part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land (Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway), Orthophotomap, scale 1:25000, (in:) K. Pękala, H. Faste Aas (eds.). Zakład Geomorfologii, Instytut Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Tromsø, Lublin.
2). P. Zagórski
2011. Shoreline dynamics of Calypsostranda (NW Wedel Jarlsberg Land, Svalbard) during the last century, Polish Polar Research 32, 67-99.
3). P. Zagórski, G. Gajek, P. Demczuk
2012. The influence of glacier systems of polar catchments on functioning of the coastal zone (Recherchefjorden, Svalbard), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 56:1, 101-122.
4). P. Zagórski, M. Harasimiuk, J. Rodzik (eds.)
2013. The Geographical Environment of NW Part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land (Spitsbergen, Svalbard) (Środowisko geograficzne północno-zachodniej części Ziemi Wedela Jarlsberga (Spitsbergen, Svalbard), Lublin.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Katarzyna Błachowska
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr Jacek Feduszka
Senior curator in the Museum of Zamość, historian, museologist, honorary member of the International Napoleonic Society and the Polish Ethnic Studies Society.
Jacek Feduszka’s research interests and work are associated, among others, with the history of the city and fortress of Zamość (16th-20th centuries), the multicultural character of Zamość and the Zamość region, the history of the Napoleonic period, the history of Polish national uprisings in the 19th century (in particular the November Uprising of 1830-1831), the history and theory of military science with a focus on fortifications in the eastern areas of the former Polish Republic in the 17th-19th centuries, numismatics, and auxiliary sciences of history.
Selected numismatic publications:
1). J. Feduszka
1999. Zamojska część skarbu monet rzymskich z Żulic, “Wiadomości Numizmatyczne” R.XLIII, z. 1-2 (167-168), 69-98.
2). J. Feduszka
2003. Grosz miśnieński Fryderyka II i Wilhelma III ze zbiorów Muzeum Zamojskiego w Zamościu, Zamojski Kwartalnik Kulturalny, Nr.1-2, 2001, 128-131.
3). J. Feduszka
2003. Dziewiętnastowieczni badacze i kolekcjonerzy monet halicko-ruskich, Zamojsko-Wołyńskie Zeszyty Muzealne, t. I, 85-94.
4). J. Feduszka
2005. Medale i medaliony poświęcone kanclerzowi i hetmanowi wielkiemu koronnemu Janowi Zamoyskiemu (1542-1605) od XVI do XX wieku, (in:) Jan Zamoyski wódz – mecenas – polityk. Przewodnik po wystawie, 18-27.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Prof. dr. Matthias Hardt
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Andrzej Janeczek
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr habil. Adrian Jusupović
Historian. Graduated from the University of Warsaw, Institute of History with a doctorate in the Faculty of History UW (2011) and habilitation (2018). From 2007 to 2016 he was a full-time employee of the Institute of National Remembrance (successively as an inspector, senior inspector, specialist, and senior specialist). In 2013-2016 he worked as an adjunct assistant (quarter-time) and later as an adjunct (2016-2017 half-time, since 2018 full-time) in the Tomasz Manteuffel Institute of History PAS. In 2007–2017, Jusupović completed his research training at The University of Bonn, the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
He is a specialist in Polish-Ruthenian relations from the close of the 10th century until the 14th, source studies (Ruthenian written sources), and editorship. In September 2015 he was awarded a scholarship for outstanding young scientists from the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
He is the author or co-author or editor/co-editor of several research and popular-science publications (see academia.edu), including:
1). A. Jusupović
2013. Elity ziemi halickiej i wołyńskiej w czasach Romanowiczów (1205-1269). Studium prozopograficzne, Kraków.
2). A. Юсупович
2016. «Перемышль, Червень и иные грады» и их территориальная принадлежность в конце X – начале XI в., Средневековая Русь 12, 27-62.
3). D. Dąbrowski, A. Jusupović
2017. Monumenta Poloniae Historica, Nova Series, Vol. XVI: Chronica Galiciano-Voliniana. Chronica Romanoviciana, ediderunt, praefatione notisque instruxerunt, Kraków-Warszawa.
4). D. Dąbrowski, A. Jusupović (tłumaczenie, wstęp i komentarze)
2017. Kronika halicko-wołyńska. Kronika Romanowiczów, Kraków-Warszawa.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”.
Professor Christian Lübke
Role: consultant in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Art historians
Prof. dr habil. Mirosław P. Kruk
Art historian (see wikipedia.pl). He earned his habilitation with a specialization in Byzantine and post-Byzantine art. Kruk obtained his doctorate and habilitation at the Jagiellonian University. He heads the Department of History of Medieval Art in the Institute of Art History, University of Gdańsk, and is the curator of the collection of Orthodox art in the National Museum in Kraków (Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace). In 1991-1992 he worked in the Jagiellonian University Museum (Collegium Maius). Since 1996 he has been working in the National Museum in Kraków. In 2000 he was employed in the Department of Orthodox Art, National Museum in Kraków (since 2011 as the curator of the collection). Since 2000, Kruk has also worked as research-teaching staff at the University of Gdańsk (since 2012 as the Head of the Department of History of Medieval Art in the Institute of Art History).
He is a specialist in research on culture and art history of medieval and post-medieval Europe, with particular focus on Slavic areas and Byzantium, and in the cultural history of the Orthodox Church in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in particular the history of icon painting.
He is the author of a few monographs and dozens of research papers. His complete list of publications exceeds 160 works, including monographs, exhibition catalogues, papers, and lexicographic entries (see academia.edu), including:
1). M. P. Kruk
2000. Zachodnioruskie ikony Matki Boskiej z Dzieciątkiem w wieku XV i XVI, Kraków.
2). M. P. Kruk, A. Sulikowska-Gąska, M. Wołoszyn
2006. Sacralia Ruthenica. Early Ruthenian and Related Metal and Stone Items in the National Museum in Cracow and National Museum in Warsaw. Dzieła staroruskie bądź z Rusią związane z metalu i kamienia w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie i w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie (wersja angielsko-polska), Warszawa.
3). M. P. Kruk
2011. Ikony – obrazy w świątyniach rzymsko – katolickich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, Kraków.
4). M. P. Kruk, A. Hola, M. Walczak (eds.), wstęp: A. Betlej, M. Jędraszewski, G. Korpal, A. Wilmering, M. Groß
2018. Mistrz i Katarzyna. Hans von Kulmbach i jego dzieła dla Krakowa (wersja polsko-niemiecka), Kraków.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
MA Katarzyna Cywa
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Maria Lityńska-Zając
Biologist, archaeobotanist. Graduated in biology (archaeobotany) from the Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences (1982).
From January 1982 to June 1982 she was a research student in the Department of Paleobotany, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (doctorate in 1996). Since July 1982 she has been employed in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS (habilitation in 2006).
Her research interests are focused on plants associated in the past with humans and having economic importance for economies of past farming societies. She also investigates the history of synanthropic plants and issues connected with human-environment interactions. Professor Lityńska-Zając carries out systematic archaeobotanical research in Poland and Egypt and is involved in the examination of fossil materials retrieved in other countries, including Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
She is the author or co-author of around 200 publications, inc. four books(www.iaepan.edu.pl), including:
1). M. Lityńska-Zając
2005. Chwasty w uprawach roślinnych w pradziejach i wczesnym średniowieczu, Kraków.
2). M. Lityńska-Zając, K. Wasylikowa
2005. Przewodnik do badań archeobotanicznych, Poznań.
3). M. Lityńska-Zając, K. Chwedorzewska, M. Olech, M. Korczak-Abshire, A. Augustyniuk-Kram
2012. Diaspores and phyto-remains accidentally transported to the Antarctic Station during three expeditions, Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 3411-3421.
4). J. Kruk, M. Lityńska-Zając, S. Milisauskas
2016. Gospodarka roślinna w neolicie. Studium przypadku, Kraków.
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Specialist analyses
MA Karolina Blusiewicz
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr eng. Maria Cybulska
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Prof. Dr habil. eng. Aldona Garbacz-Klempka
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”; investigator in the grant project “The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography – Dorogichin seals from Czermno in their East European context”.
Dr Irka Hajdas
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor Jerzy Maik
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Professor eng. Marek Michalik
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr eng. Jan Sielski
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.
Dr eng. Marta Wardas-Lasoń
Role: investigator in the grant project “Golden Apple of Polish archaeology. Stronghold Complexes at Czermno and Gródek [Cherven Towns] – Chronology and Function in the Light of Past and Current Research”.